is an

independent film studio based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The creative forces behind the curtain are Michael DeLaney and Jeremy Rutherford. Each member of the team brings a different perspective, set of skills, and interests back to the group, resulting in a varied palette of potential projects and creative methods for bringing them to fruition.

Our ambition is to build worlds which will inspire as well as entertain, and to populate them with memorable, fully developed characters. We aspire to bring to our audience a sense of fun, to make something truly engaging that rekindles the flame of imagination in the old and adds fuel to the fire in the young. And, perhaps most crucially, we hope to do this by going directly to that audience unfiltered.

©2016 Third Triumvirate Studios

At Third Triumvirate Studios, our ambition is to build worlds which will inspire as well as entertain, and to populate them with memorable, fully developed characters. We aspire to bring to our audience a sense of fun, to make something truly engaging that rekindles the flame of imagination in the old and adds fuel to the fire in the young.

Mike is a perceptive student of popular culture and history who excels at writing within existing fictional universes. His understanding of character dynamics and extant lore are often unmatched. He also provides a great deal of structure to the team's efforts. As project lead, he brings a unique visual and conceptual style, as well. His writing is lush and engaging, his attention to plot, concept, character, and dialogue maintain the focus of each project.

Jeremy was born in Würzburg, Germany into a military family and lived in North Carolina nearly his whole life... Until last year when he took the leap and moved to Albuquerque to start Third Triumvirate Studios with the other guys. He is brimming with ideas and concepts as well as the practical know-how from his Broadcasting Degree to help fully realize our productions. His passion for the actual process of filmmaking is an integral part of why Dave and Mike have decided to undertake new productions as a group.