"In the Final Frontier, on the edges of space, the duty of the starship Yorktown is to explore... and to discover... and it is to defend the United Federation of Planets. It is our duty, it is our mission; this is our life. Ad Astra Per Aspera - Through Perseverance, to the Stars."

-Captain Xavier Grant

N.C.C. 2040 - U.S.S. Yorktown

Quoting the ship's Dedication Plaque

It is 2308, and nearly a generation has passed since the Khitomer Accords and détente with the Klingon Empire. But the dedicated members of the Federation Starfleet are finding that winning the peace may be just as hard as winning a war.

Within 3 years, the mysterious Tomed Incident will send the Romulans into isolation for half a century. The Cardassians haven't yet been discovered. And K'mpec, the longest serving Chancellor of the Klingon High Council is just coming into his prime, ascending the hierarchy.

The Excelsior "Great Experiment" of the 2280's was supposed to yield Transwarp Drive. It did not. However, it ultimately realized massive advances in standard warp technology. But, the Excelsior Class also became the workhorse of the Federation, replacing the Constitution Class in the primary roles of transportation and exploration.

Since its initial construction in 2285, Yorktown has been tasked as the testbed for all new Excelsior Class innovations. Thus, there are experimental systems aboard that not even the Captain knows about until taking command. By 2308, she's the most advanced starship in known space. That fact also makes her a ripe target for espionage and sabotage.

Our conceit is that within the Federation there are two great starship families: Enterprise & Yorktown, and our series is designed to showcase the latter for the first time. By using our in-continuity history, it adds a compelling new narrative to the Star Trek mythos.

Obviously there are more people and ships in Starfleet than just Enterprises. In fact, when there isn't one, what's the flagship of the Federation? This takes nothing away from the specialness of the Enterprise saga, it's simply that while this world begins there, that's not where it ends... It never ends... and Yorktown can be next!

The series opens on a mystery. Gabriel Parsons, former Captain of Yorktown, has been killed. Starfleet's official line is an accident. His best friend since their Academy days, Captain Xavier Grant, believes it's murder, and is now taking command of Yorktown to suss out the truth and expose the guilty, regardless of who they are and the consequences to the quadrant!

With an ensemble of intriguing characters, both on and off the ship, Star Trek: Yorktown would focus on the people and their stories within the greater context of the era. There are major events happening in the Trek universe, but those stories only hold relevance when they impact real people. We think our stories achieve that proper balance.

The era of Star Trek between the Original Series Movies and The Next Generation is 60 years (from the christening of Enterprise-B in 2294 to Encounter at Farpoint in 2364).

This is also the era that defines who the people of The Next Generation will become. The conflicts that laid the groundwork leading into that series are the bedrock and immediate future of this series.

This is the next generation after Kirk's space cowboy era. In fact, 1966-1969 equated to 2266-2269, so we can still use Original Series actors in their classic roles at nearly their proper age. Thus, cameo appearances from Captain Sulu and his Excelsior among others would be possible.

©2016 Third Triumvirate Studios

At Third Triumvirate Studios, our ambition is to build worlds which will inspire as well as entertain, and to populate them with memorable, fully developed characters. We aspire to bring to our audience a sense of fun, to make something truly engaging that rekindles the flame of imagination in the old and adds fuel to the fire in the young.

The genesis of the concept owes much in spirit to The Next Generation (the return of Star Trek the last time it lay fallow on television temporarily): a captivating tableau of characters set in the Star Trek Universe. Those characters were what won over skeptical Trek fans in the late 80's,

and to that end we've created a deep pool

of new characters to populate this period.

1991's Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered

Country was designed as an allegory for

the end of our Cold War with the Russians. This was the extension of the long tradition of the Original Series using the future as commentary on the present. By setting ST:Y in 2308, we can again directly use it as commentary on our own times... And just like the United States thought the hard times were over when the Soviet Union was dissolved, and they weren't, so too, did the Federation think everything was clear sailing after peace with the Klingons. If only things were that easy.

Peace itself with the Klingons isn't as simple as we thought. The relationship with the Romulans is never simple. And, with the existence of the



exploration all being serviced in this interconnected serial, a novel approach was required: We spent the better part of two years developing the entire 130 episode run of this series. By knowing the central mysteries, locations, character requirements, etc. we believe we can craft a truly captivating and unique entry into the Star Trek realm.


Star Trek: Yorktown is the perfect Star Trek series for this time!


horizon, the politics of diplomacy and war are never more important.

     With a murder mystery, sabotage, espionage, diplomatic gamesmanship, and

Cardassians on the